
Additional file sumo vehicle type
Additional file sumo vehicle type

  1. #Additional file sumo vehicle type how to
  2. #Additional file sumo vehicle type code

Veins11pRadioDriver: as used by platooning vehicles, to encapsulate/decapsulate packets going to/coming from the 802.11p NIC.HumanInterferingProtocol: the module that generates interfering packets.If you look inside the file, you will see that it only uses 3 modules: In examples/human we create HumanCar.ned, which is very similar to Car.ned (the OMNeT++ instance for a platooning vehicle) but only uses the HumanInterferingProtocol we defined. To keep things separated, we created a new one, called PlatoonsPlusHumanTraffic, which is located under src/plexe/traffic.Ĭreate a new vehicle module: we create a new vehicle OMNeT++ compound module that will be the instance of our human-driven vehicle. We can either modify it to inject our human-driven vehicle, or create a new one. The only important thing that it does is to define a different ID for its sent beacons, so that platooning vehicles will simply ignore packets received from human-driven vehicles.Īs the beacon ID for platooning vehicles is 12345 we simply choose a different one for human-driven vehicle, i.e., 12349.Ĭreate a new traffic manager: the standard traffic injection class ( PlatoonsTrafficManager) only injects platooning vehicles.

#Additional file sumo vehicle type code

Its code is very simple and it does only send periodic beacons. The sample protocol is located under src/plexe/protocols and it is called HumanInterferingProtocol. In addition, this will keep the code nice and clean, as we will not mix platooning and non-platooning vehicles code. One reason is that, in reality, a vehicle might run a different application and thus a different protocol. Such a vehicle will not use the beaconing protocols used by platooning vehicles.

additional file sumo vehicle type

We also give it a blue color, so we will be able to distinguish it from platooning vehicles (red):Ĭreate a beaconing protocol: the OMNeT++ module instance for the human-driven vehicle will be different from a platooning vehicle. This will be our human-driven vehicle type.įor this vehicle, we do not use the CC car following model, as the vehicle will simply use a human-behavioral model. Adding a new vehicle type: with respect to the SUMO configuration files in examples/platooning/sumocfg, we simply add a new vehicle type to the file.To implement this scenario, we do the following steps: The example is located in the examples/human folder under the Plexe-Veins source folder. The simulation runs an 8-car platoon as in the first example, but this time it also adds an additional human driven vehicle which generates network interference by periodically sending IEEE 802.11p frames.

#Additional file sumo vehicle type how to

To help you understanding how to do something like this, we prepared this tutorial.

additional file sumo vehicle type

So far, using this feature was not trivial, as it required to know very very well some of the core principles of both OMNeT++ and Veins. One of the design features of Plexe is the possibility of including non-platooning vehicles in the simulation.

Additional file sumo vehicle type